Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lost the Show Review

Lost had many unanswered questions. Here are the top five;
5.Why was Walt so important?
4. What was the deal with the tail-gate surviors being kidnapped, what did the others want with them?
3. What was with the cabin?
2. What was with the four toed statue?
1. Why were the numbers so important? (4 8 15 16 23 42)

That list could go on forever, and the fact is none of them were ever answered.

However, this show was good. It was a little gory and unnessicary blood here and there. I loved the story line, and the flash backs. The director did well with the first 3 seasons, and then in the 4, 5, and 6th season got very confusing. They kept jumping through time, way to much. I could follow along though I heard many people stopped watching it because of that.

Another problem with the show was the fact that the smoke "monster" never got better animation wise. I could understand it being cheesy in 2004, 2005, and 2006 but later on in 2010, it never got better.

I did love how they had all these different characters, and went into their life stories.

I hated the deaths of the best characters; Charlie, Boone, Sayid, Libby, Locke, and more.

I LOVED the humour in Lost, it cracked me up. Overall I'd give lost an 8.5/10.

What about you? What are your questions, comments, and ratings? (Tell me your "favourite" unanswered questions!)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I used to watch lost but I stopped watching it and I just got well.... lost. XD
